Analysis Options

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Analysis options allow you to specify various advanced run options. To set the run options, do the following:

    1.  Click on the Options button in the Analysis section of the Sonnet Cadence Virtuoso Interface window.

The Analysis Options dialog appears on your display.

Conformal meshing is more efficient when analyzing curved or diagonal metal. Since this is an octagonal spiral, conformal mesh provides a faster, more accurate analysis. This option was already selected by the Inductor preset. Conformal Mesh in the Sonnet User’s Guide.

    1.  Click on the “Compute Currents” checkbox in the Options dialog box.

Current density data is calculated for your circuit when the Compute Currents option is enabled. Please note that for an ABS sweep, current density data is only calculated for the discrete data points, not for the adaptive data . Calculating the current density data does increase analysis time, so only select this option if you need to view the current density data.

The “Q-factor Accuracy” project option was also selected by the Inductor preset. Selecting this checkbox increases the accuracy of the Q-factor when ABS is used. Normally ABS uses S-parameters to determine convergence. When this option is used, ABS uses both the S-parameters and Q-factor for convergence criteria.

    1.  Click on the OK button in the Analysis Options dialog box to close the dialog box and apply the changes.

This completes the set up of analysis options.
