EM Options - Geometry

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The EM Options page is opened when you select "EM Options" in the side bar menu of the Circuit Settings dialog box which allows you set the analysis options for your project. This page appears when you are editing a geometry project. To see the EM options for a netlist project, see Em Options - Netlist.

Compute Currents: This option outputs current density information for the entire circuit which can be viewed using the Current Density Viewer or the current view in the 3D viewer. This option may only be enabled for Frequency sweeps. If the analysis is a parameter sweep or optimization, this run option is disabled. Be aware that for an adaptive sweep, current density data is only calculated for discrete data points. You should also be aware that calculating current density data can increase the time needed for your analysis.

This option is not available for a DC frequency sweep.

Warning:  If you generate current density data for a geometry, then change the nominal value of a parameter in the circuit, you will receive an error message in the current density viewer since no current density data exists with the parameter set to the new nominal value.

Speed/Memory: This slider bar allows you to control the memory usage for an analysis by controlling the subsectioning of your circuit. For a complete discussion of subsectioning, Min and Max and edge meshing, please refer to the Subsectioning chapter in the Sonnet User's Guide.

The high memory settings produce a more accurate answer and usually increase processing time. Conversely, low memory settings run faster but do not yield as accurate an answer.

Advanced Options, Subsectioning and ABS: Clicking on the ">" button opens a section of the dialog box that allows you to control the advanced run options, configure ABS options and advanced subsectioning options for your analysis. There are three tabs:

Advanced Options

Configure ABS

Advanced Subsectioning

When this section of the dialog box is visible, click on the "" button to hide this section.

Estimate Memory button: Clicking on this button opens the Estimate Memory dialog box which displays the memory use estimate for the project and allows you to view the subsectioning if you wish.