Em Server List

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To open the Em Server List page, select Admin - Setup from the session tab main menu. In the Sonnet Administration dialog box which appears, click on Em Server List in the sidebar menu.

The client machine is the machine on which you edit your projects and from which you wish to submit analysis jobs to the server machine. The server machine is the machine on which you wish to execute your em analysis. If you are trying to set up the server machine, see Em Server Settings. This page allows you to define remote servers to which you may submit analysis jobs.

Server List

This page contains a list of the defined remote servers. You may add servers manually or by importing a list of servers. If a server has been defined using an external list , a file icon  appears next to the server name in the list. A server defined from an external list may not be edited in the interface. You must edit the server list to change it's settings.

Add Server: To manually define a remote server, click on the Add Server button:  When you click on this button, another entry is added to the server list. Click on the Server column to edit the server name. You may enter a character string or IP address. The default port number is 56150. If you wish to use another port number, you may double-click on the Port entry and edit the number. This port number should be the same port number defined in the emserver  settings on the remote server. If you wish, you may enter a short description to identify the server by editing the Comment column.

Edit: If you wish to edit a field in an entry, click on the desired column in the desired server's entry, then click on the Edit button:  This puts the entry into edit mode. When you are finished editing, hit the return key to update the entry.

Delete: If you wish to define a locally defined remote server, select it in the list, then click on the Delete button:  The server is removed from the list.

Remote Status: To obtain a status for a remote server, select it in the list, then click on the Remote Status button: The Remote Status dialog box is opened and displays the servers status.

Make Default: Each remote server has an entry in the list. One server in the list is defined as the default. A star icon appears in the first column to identify the default remote server. To define a server as the default, select it in the list, then click on the Make Default button:

Refresh Statuses: Click on this button to query all the servers and update the information displayed in the list.

Show: If you wish the remote server in this entry to appear in the list of servers when you create a new job queue, select the Show checkbox. If this checkbox is not selected, the remote server is defined but does not appear as a choice to which to submit jobs.

External File

An external list of servers allows a system administrator to define a standard list of remote servers and disperse it to all users. You may not edit the properties of a remote server contained in the external servers file using this dialog box. You must directly edit the sonservers.txt file to change properties of the remote servers contained therein. These remote servers are indicated by a file icon  next to their entry in the list.

For Windows: By default, the external servers file is found at <Sonnet App Data>\data\sonservers.txt where <Sonnet App Data> is the location where the Sonnet Application data was installed on your system. To open this folder, select the command Admin - Diagnostics - Explore Sonnet Data Folder from the main menu of the session tab. Please note that this folder is hidden by default, so you will need to use the above command to access the folder.

For Linux: By default, the external servers file is found at “<Sonnet Directory>\data\sonservers.txt where <Sonnet Directory> is the location where Sonnet was installed on your system.

You may edit this file to add more remote servers; instructions on the format are included in this default file. Note that the delivered default file has no servers defined. You must edit the contents before using it.

Use External File: Select this checkbox if you wish to add the servers defined in the selected external servers file to the list displayed above.

  If you wish to use another file, you may specify it by clicking on the browse icon  and selecting the file you wish to use. The file path is displayed.