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This tab in the Add/Edit Variable dialog box controls the tuning options for the variable being edited or defined. The Add/Edit Variable dialog box is opened when you click on the Add or Edit button on the Variables page of the Circuit Settings dialog box.

Allow tuning of  this variable: Select this checkbox if you wish to be able to tune this variable in either Sonnet's graph tab or when using the SEC feature in Sonnet's Keysight ADS Interface. If tuning is enabled then a slider bar for this variable appears in the Tuning dialog box of a Sonnet graph tab which allows you to interactively change the value of the variable and see the effect on your response. Selecting this checkbox enables the controls below.

Minimum: The Minimum and Maximum entries define the data range for the variable while tuning. Enter the lowest value to which the variable may be set while tuning in the Minimum text entry box.

Maximum: The Minimum and Maximum entries define the data range for the variable while tuning. Enter the highest value to which the variable may be set while tuning in the Maximum text entry box. This will be the top value on the tuning slider bar

Step: Enter the delta between tuning values in this text entry box. This is the step size used for the slider bar.