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This button is disabled if the queue is running a job or is in the process of disconnecting or reconnecting. Click on the  button in the Job Queue tool bar to reconnect to any disconnected jobs in the queue to the remote server. When you reconnect, the response data of any jobs that were completed while disconnected is transferred from the remote server to the client machine and the job shows as completed after the data transfer. If you have a large number of completed jobs and/or a job which contains a large amount of response data, the transfer time may be significant. Next, if an analysis job is still running on the server when it is reconnected, then the remote server starts communicating the status and response data to the client and the progress bar resumes updating at the present state of the analysis. If there are any pending jobs in the queue (added after the disconnect command was performed), they are run once the data transfer and/or presently running job completes.

A number in parentheses appears after the reconnect button which indicates how many disconnected jobs are available to which you can reconnect. Please be aware that the number 0 can indicate that there are no jobs or that the remote server was not able to communicate the number of jobs. If you believe you have a disconnected job even though the number 0 appears, pressing the reconnect button updates the number of jobs available and reconnects to those jobs.